Resources for Families

Family Handbook

We are committed to providing families with valuable information and tools to support you on your journey with Hendra House Early Learning.

We have carefully crafted a comprehensive Family Handbook designed exclusively for Hendra House. This handbook serves as your guide to everything you need to know about our centre, what is going to support a smooth transition for your child, and our educational approach to practical details like daily routines and policies. It is a valuable resource to help you make the most of your child's early learning experience with us.

CCS Calculator

We understand that navigating childcare subsidies can be complex. To assist you in estimating your entitlements, we've provided a convenient link to the Centrelink government website, where you can calculate your potential Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This tool will help you better understand the financial support available to you, making quality early education more accessible.

Educational Framework

Our educational approach aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), which you can explore further here. We place a strong emphasis on relational pedagogy, which forms the foundation of how we build trusting and respectful relationships between children, families, educators, professionals, and the broader community.

Hendra House Early Learning is more than just a centre; it's a place where education, belonging, and wellbeing come together to shape the future of your child. We invite you to become a part of our community and experience the difference in early childhood education that we offer.

Circle of Security® Parenting™

At Hendra House Early Learning, we're dedicated to providing comprehensive support for both children and families. That's why we're proud to offer the Circle of Security® Parenting™ program as an integral part of our commitment to nurturing secure parent-child relationships.

Based on decades of attachment research, the Circle of Security program empowers parents and caregivers to better understand and respond to their child's emotional needs. Our trained facilitators use the COSP™ model to help parents:

  • Gain insights into their child's emotional world by learning to read emotional cues.

  • Foster their child's ability to navigate and manage emotions effectively.

  • Boost their child's self-esteem and sense of self-worth.

  • Respect and nurture their child's natural inclination towards security.

We believe in the profound impact of secure parent-child relationships on early childhood development, and that's why we're thrilled to offer this valuable resource to all Hendra House families. Our commitment to your child's wellbeing extends beyond the classroom, and we're excited to embark on this journey with you, guided by the principles of the Circle of Security. Together, we'll create a nurturing and supportive environment where both you and your child can thrive.